Startlists, sorted by teams, updated 23/04-2024
Startlists, sorted by events, updated 23/04-2024
General information, updated 24/04-2024
List of officials, updated 24/04-2024
List of school accommodation, updated 24/04-2024

In order to keep the timeschedule, some events at SD will need to be limited. They are marked with a red line in the startlists, sorted by events. This limitation only applies to SD, no limitation at UC.
Swimmers effected by this limitation may choose another event, please send an e-mail with the other event.

The invitation can be found here!

Registration form: Contact info, payment, accommodation, meals and number of starts
Event registration: Lenex and DSV6
Event registration (Danish teams only): Svømmetider

All questions can be sent to

Find results, pictures and video from previous competitions here: Swim Cup archive 



Updated 13th of December 2023:
42 teams from 5 countries!

Still available!